Android EditText

In this tutorial, we will learn about android EditText. We're also going to go through various attributes used to customize it. 

EditText can be defined as below –

"An Android EditText widget is user interface that are used to take input from user and modify the text."

While defining EditText widget, we can also specify android:inputType attribute. Based on the value given in this attribute, the keyboard type also displayed changes in acceptable characters and edit text appearance. For Example, If you set inputType to numberPassword.



Different attributes that are used to customise the EditText are listed below. However, you can check android official documentation for EditText to see the complete list of it’s attributes. Here, we are listing the commonly used attributes.

TextView and View inherit attributes in EditText. Some of the popular attributes are –

S. No. XML Attributes Description
1 android:id This is unique id of the EditText to uniquely identify the EditText.
2 android:height Sets height of the EditText.
3 android:width Sets width of the EditText.
4 android:text Sets the text of the EditText
5 android:textAllCaps Use this attribute to show the text in capital letters.
6 android:textColor Sets color of the text.
7 android:textSize Sets size of the text.
8 android:textStyle Sets style of the text. For example, bold, italic etc.
9 android:typeface Sets typeface of the text. For example, normal, sans, serif, monospace.
10 android:hint Hint to be shown when there is no text in the EditText.
11 android:inputType This is used to define what are the types of data that can be entered by the user for this View. For example, Phone, Password, Number, Date, Time etc. Characters acceptable through keyboard will also change accordingly.
12 android:inputMethod It sets, it specifies that edittext should use specified input method.
13 android:lines If you want to set height of the View by number of lines, you can do it using this attribute. For example, android:lines=”2”, it means height of View will be 2 lines.
14 android:gravity Sets gravity of the text. For example, center, horizontal_center, vertical_center etc.
15 android:elevation Sets elevation to this view.
16 android:maxHeight Sets maximum height of the View.
17 android:minHeight Sets minimum height of the View.
18 android:maxLength Sets maximum character length that can be entered in the View.
19 android:maxLines Sets maximum lines this View can have.
20 android:minLines Sets minimum lines this View can have.
21 android:maxWidth Sets maximum width this View can have.
22 android:minWidth Sets minimum width this View can have.
23 android:numeric If sets, it specifies that EditText has numeric input method.
24 android:password  Use this attribute if you want to show the entered text as password dots. For example, If you enter ABCD, it will be shown as ****.
25 android:phoneNumber If set, specifies that this EditText has a phone number input method.
26 android:background Sets background to this View.
27 android:backgroundTint Sets tint to the background.
28 android:clickable Set true when you want to make this View clickable. Otherwise, set false.
29 android:drawableBottom Sets drawable to bottom of the EditText.
30 android:drawableEnd Sets drawable to end of the EditText.
31 android:drawableLeft Sets drawable to left of the text.
32 android:drawablePadding Sets padding to drawable.
33 android:drawableRight Sets drawable to right of the EditText.
34 android:drawableStart Sets drawable to start of the EditText.
35 android:drawableTop Sets drawable to top of the EditText.



In next, you will learn how to use android EditText widget in any android application. First we're going to create an android application, then we're going to use this widget.

To create a new android application, follow the steps below. If you have already created it, please ignore the steps.

S. No. Steps
1 Open Android Studio.
2 Go to File => New => New Project. Write application name as EditText. Then, click next button.
3 Select minimum SDK you need. However, we have selected 14 as minimum SDK. Then, click next button.
4 Then, select Empty Activity => click next => click finish.
5 If you have followed above process correctly, you will get a newly created project successfully. However, you can also visit tutorial to Create a New Project to know steps in detail.

Since we have a new project now, to use EditText widget, we will modify xml and java. Please follow the steps below –

Open res/values/strings.xml file. Then, add below code into it.

<string name="app_name">EditText</string>  
<string name="hint_enter_something">Enter Something...</string>



Open res/layout/activity_main.xml file. Add below code into it.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>



We have added EditText in xml file. 

Now, we will see  MainActivity java file. Right now we don't make any changes. We just see it How our Java file look.

Open src/main/java/com.ukacademe.edittext/ file. Then, add below code into it

package com.ukacademe.edittext;

import android.os.Bundle;

public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

Since AndroidManifest.xml file is important file in any android application, we are also going to mention it here.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> 
<manifest xmlns:android=""
<action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" /> 

<category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" /> 

Now run the application you will get output as shown below.

UK Academe-EditText-Output