Elder Sister - बड़ी बहन - (English) I am going back to my elder sister today. (Garhwali) मी आज अपरी ...
Great Grandmother - बुढ्ढ दद्दी - (English) My great grandmother was good in preparing food. (Garhwa...
Children - नॉन-बाल - (Example) In our family children are very naughty. (Garhwali) हमर परिवार मा बच्...
Wife-Woman - कज्याणी / घौरवाली - (Example)Ram's wife do all work of home and outside.(Garhwali) राम ...
Daughter - नोनि - (English) My daughter is coming for me to take me there. (Garhwali) मेरी बेटी मितई...